Recital Program
May 18, 2022
Please silence all cellular phones and other electronic devices and refrain from talking during the concert. Thank you for your cooperation.
"Humorous Scherzo for Four Bassoons" (Sergei Prokofiev)
Ryan Zych , Heidi Knispel, Gavin Murray, Kaitlin Prather - Bassoon Quartet
"Emily" (Johnny Mandel lyrics by Johnny Mercer)
Eddie Nicholson
“I Know It’s Today” (Shrek The Musical)
Rachel Bacon, Abigail Salgado, Emily Sluis
“Gravity” (Sara Bareilles)
Sama Muhsen
“Desert Song” (säje)
Olivia Burghard, Leyla Eames, Anna Hubatch, Catherine Podlesak, Madison Rogers
"Water" (Wynn Anne Rossi) and "Prelude in E" (Fredrick Chopin)
Jayden Gillies
"Kuhlau Divertimento No. 1 in G major" (Peter Martin)
Mary Rincker, Flute
“Someone Like You” (Jekyll & Hyde)
Molly Czechanski
“That Face” (The Producers)
Sean Camp
“All Too Well” (Taylor Swift)
Catherine Podlesak & Kylie Steinhauser
"Last Lamp" (Kevin McKee)
Ryan Pregmon, Roxy Bretzlaff, Keegan Clark, Nicolae Petricas, Andy Habib
"Summer Dreams" (Amy Beach arr. William Pyle)
1. Katy-dids
2. Twilight
3. The Brownies
Sean Camp, Sean Dore, Sara Alexander, Michael Timm, Seth Carl, Else Briese, Shayne Bonshire
Board of Education
Mr. Joseph M. Kosteck, President
Mr. Aaron P. Janik, Vice-President
Ms. Beth Janus-Doyle, Secretary
Mr. Joseph A. Kirkeeng, Member
Mr. Richard C. LaCien, Jr., Member
Mr. Christopher M. Lucchetti, Member
Mrs. Deadra W. Stokes, Member
Dr. R. Scott Tingley, Superintendent
Lincoln-Way East Administrative Team
Mr. Toriano Griggs, Principal
Dr. Joseph Skarbek, Associate Principal
Dr. Renae Goldie, Associate Principal
Mrs. Jeanne Schaefer, Director of Pupil Personnel Services
Mr. Mark Vander Kooi, Athletic Director
Lincoln-Way East Music Department
Michelle Freeland, Orchestra
Hanna Samawi, Vocal Music
Dr. Bert Johnson, Department Chair
Cary Ruklic, Instrumental Music
Michael Teare, Instrumental Music
Special thanks to LWE Music Boosters, LWE Custodial and Maintenance Staff, and LWE Auditorium Staff
End of the Year Combined Concert - May 19
For more information, please check
May 18, 2022
Please silence all cellular phones and other electronic devices and refrain from talking during the concert. Thank you for your cooperation.
"Humorous Scherzo for Four Bassoons" (Sergei Prokofiev)
Ryan Zych , Heidi Knispel, Gavin Murray, Kaitlin Prather - Bassoon Quartet
"Emily" (Johnny Mandel lyrics by Johnny Mercer)
Eddie Nicholson
“I Know It’s Today” (Shrek The Musical)
Rachel Bacon, Abigail Salgado, Emily Sluis
“Gravity” (Sara Bareilles)
Sama Muhsen
“Desert Song” (säje)
Olivia Burghard, Leyla Eames, Anna Hubatch, Catherine Podlesak, Madison Rogers
"Water" (Wynn Anne Rossi) and "Prelude in E" (Fredrick Chopin)
Jayden Gillies
"Kuhlau Divertimento No. 1 in G major" (Peter Martin)
Mary Rincker, Flute
“Someone Like You” (Jekyll & Hyde)
Molly Czechanski
“That Face” (The Producers)
Sean Camp
“All Too Well” (Taylor Swift)
Catherine Podlesak & Kylie Steinhauser
"Last Lamp" (Kevin McKee)
Ryan Pregmon, Roxy Bretzlaff, Keegan Clark, Nicolae Petricas, Andy Habib
"Summer Dreams" (Amy Beach arr. William Pyle)
1. Katy-dids
2. Twilight
3. The Brownies
Sean Camp, Sean Dore, Sara Alexander, Michael Timm, Seth Carl, Else Briese, Shayne Bonshire
Board of Education
Mr. Joseph M. Kosteck, President
Mr. Aaron P. Janik, Vice-President
Ms. Beth Janus-Doyle, Secretary
Mr. Joseph A. Kirkeeng, Member
Mr. Richard C. LaCien, Jr., Member
Mr. Christopher M. Lucchetti, Member
Mrs. Deadra W. Stokes, Member
Dr. R. Scott Tingley, Superintendent
Lincoln-Way East Administrative Team
Mr. Toriano Griggs, Principal
Dr. Joseph Skarbek, Associate Principal
Dr. Renae Goldie, Associate Principal
Mrs. Jeanne Schaefer, Director of Pupil Personnel Services
Mr. Mark Vander Kooi, Athletic Director
Lincoln-Way East Music Department
Michelle Freeland, Orchestra
Hanna Samawi, Vocal Music
Dr. Bert Johnson, Department Chair
Cary Ruklic, Instrumental Music
Michael Teare, Instrumental Music
Special thanks to LWE Music Boosters, LWE Custodial and Maintenance Staff, and LWE Auditorium Staff
End of the Year Combined Concert - May 19
For more information, please check