Lincoln–Way East Marching Griffins
The Marching Griffins are Lincoln-Way East's High School competitive marching ensemble. Participation is voluntary and includes High School students ages 9th through12th grade that are a part of the wind, color guard and percussion sections that make up the ensemble. The season begins with fundamental instruction and music/marching rehearsals in late May and early June. Student involvement continues throughout the summer with intense rehearsals and community parade performances. All members are expected to attend the Lincoln-Way East Summer camp weeks in Late July and August that are dedicated to learning and refining the marching drill and music for the competitive field show. After school begins, rehearsals continue a minimum of three weekdays after school, while most fall weekends are given over to performances or special rehearsals. Performances at regular season football games and weekend competitions are the highlight of the season. The season culminates with the annual "Sounds of the Stadium" Marching Band Concert. The Marching Griffins are 11 time Bands of America Regional Finalist, 2-time Bands of America Grand National Semi-Finalist and 2-time Illinois State Marching Invitational Grand Champions. For past history of this ensemble please visit the online archive link
Marching Griffin Lineage Page. |